Moore Mfg Order Form

This is a Secure Server order form for If you wish to order a Snow tube, use the Secure Snowtube order form. All orders are sent through a certified secure server at our web host zipcon. Secure services are based on a Digicert Inc. certificate. The form results are transmitted using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

"Our secure web pages are being hosted by Zipcon, who use a Digicert SSL Certificate to ensure secure transmission of your information."
Digicert stamp

Please provide the following contact, billing, and shipping information:
Note: * indicates a required field

First name*
Last name*
Street address*
Address (cont.)
Zip/Postal code* Plus 4
Phone* Include area code
Credit card* Expiration date:
Cardholder name*
Card number* Security Code.This is required for business, school, or government purchasing cards, we cannot process the order without it.You can find your 3 digit (4 digit for some AMEX cards) security/customer code on the back of your credit card after your last 4 credit card numbers.


SHIP TO (if different from ordered by):
First name
Last name
Street address
Address (cont.)
Zip/Postal code Plus 4
Check this if shipping is to a Gov't or business address


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Please provide the following product information:


45" Guide River Tube Red
45" Guide River Tube Red with Red Skirt
45" Guide River Tube Blue
45" Guide River Tube Woodland Camo
45" Guide River Tube Cover Only specify color with note below
Order other items not in the drop down list, specify sizes, or color information in the boxes below:

Send us a note, color, special shipping instructions or additional order information in this comment box:


Exact shipping costs are added to each order, based on weights as shown below. River and Snow Tubes are shipped UPS, and Radio Harnesses are shipped USPS, and UPS based on quantity. If you wish an estimate of UPS costs, follow this link, the originating zip code is 98288.

To submit your order answer this question:

What is the last name of the current president of the United States?


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Purchase Order #

Business, school, or gov't agency name

Purchasing Agent/Buyer name

This is a secure server order form for Moore Mfg Co, and It is an easy, secure  way to send credit card  information and place orders. Feel free to type us a note if you need to give us more information. This is NOT a shopping cart, so order totals, shipping costs, and order confirmation numbers will NOT appear. We will e-mail you as soon as we get your secure order to confirm quantity, colors in stock and shipping  preferences. We check our secure orders every 2 hours.

© Moore Manufacturing 2024